Dr Kim Pedlow
Tel (08) 9921 6099
Fax (08) 9964 3410
Practice Manager Josie Lawrence
Receptionist Paula Alsop
Email josie@gvdmc.com
CV Current 2018
1955 – 1959 Paringa Park & Westbourne Park Primary Schools, Scotch College, Adelaide.
1960 – 1968 Scotch College Perth.
1968 Matriculated in 20th place WA, won General Exhibition.
1975 MBBS (UWA) 1981 FRACGP, Dip. Mid COG(SA) 2001 Dip Obs (Adv) RANZCOG.
1975 JRMO SCGH Perth including Respiratory, surgery, orthopaedics, psychiatry, ED.
1976-77 SRMO including ED, paediatrics, anaesthetics, obstetrics, extramural terms at Wyndham and Rockingham Fremantle Hospital.
1978 January to April RACGP Registrar Family Medicine Program Busselton, WA.
1978 July to December Senior House Officer Obstetrics, heavy and high-risk case load. Caesars, operative vaginal deliveries, eclamptics, septic shock, D&C. Obstetric flying squad to midwife obstetric units. Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town.
1978 January – September – Senior House Officer ED Victoria Hospital Capetown, including heavy trauma caseload, significant anaesthetic and minor surgical load.
1979 October to 2017. GP with special interests in obstetrics (3000 deliveries), paediatrics, early pregnancy, and ultrasound. Skin cancer and minor surgery.
2018 to current - Principal Victoria District Medical Centre. We have modern facilities with 5 Senior GP's, Nurse Practitioner, visiting psychologist, bone densitometry, podiatrist, treatment room with practice nurses. Procedural work done includes skin cancer checks and surgery along with clinician bedside ultrasound, Implanon & Mirena insertion and tongue tie releases.
I have an interest in neurodevelopment disorder (ADHD, autism, learning disorder) and am the local lead in a multidisciplinary local network which cares for over 300 families.
PUBLICATIONS in peer review journal. Incorporating the management of ADHD into your Practice, Can it be done? December 2000 Edition Australian Family Physician.
OTHER PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS Chair and co-founder of the Abrolhos Group, our not for profit to promote early assessment, effective local management of neurodevelopmental disorder. One of the founding members of the rural doctors movement in WA, I hope to live long enough to see the goals of RDA and ACRRM achieved in my home state. 1994-95 Midwest GP Division founding chair 1996 Fundraising chair Geraldton Grammar School, inaugural board member 2000-01 RDAWA president 2002-03 RDAA vice president 1999 – 2001. Rural Clinical School Clinical Lecturer. 2006-2012 Chair MAC SJOGH. Involved in WACRRM, ACRRM, and local hospital committees for many years. Proud convener of the annual Abrolhos Islands conference for 5 years, went into recess and morphed into the first of Annual Scientific Meetings of the RCSWA. I convened the first meeting in Geraldton, subsequent meetings were held in Kalgoorlie, Bunbury and Broome. It has changed its name to Rural Health Conference and is now co-hosted by the Rural Clinical School WA and Rural Health West. I plan to stay in Geraldton and continue practising for the time being. I would like to see the national promulgation of formalised shared care programmes under ACRRM guidelines, successful introduction of the rural generalist pathway in WA along similar lines to Queensland. This would mean Western Australian Country Health Services becoming a primary allocation centre.
PERSONAL Married to my lovely Annie, we have 3 children. James 1981- Owner Perth venues El Grotto and Si Paradiso. Sally 1983- Completed her studies at the UWA Business School 2006 and now works as HR manager and IR consultant in Melbourne. Tom 1992 - Completed TEE 2009 at Geraldton Grammar, is a Mining Surveyor just formed his own company Measure Once. Works all around the state, lives in Perth. We are the proud owners of "Reilly" a mongrel kelpie who we rescued from the pound with our new edition "Walter" a border collie X.
HOBBIES Golf, cycling, pilates, kayaking, fishing, boating, IT, Abrolhos Islands, walking and swimming the dogs.
PHILANTHROPY Abrolhos group, sponsor Towns AFLW, Spalding Park & Dongara Golf clubs. Chair fund raising Geraldton Grammar School.
GENEALOGY I was interested to see that investigation of my maternal family tree found a female convict on the first fleet. She got 7 years for stealing. n 1850 my father’s side arrived Victorian goldrush. They were Protestant Irish from County Armagh, descended from Normans who arrived circa 1200. There are many Pedlow families in the town of Lurgan, Armagh, just south of Belfast.